1:1 Consulting Session

Your Roadmap to Success

Generic business advice doesn't cut it anymore. You need a tailored strategy that fits YOU. That's exactly what we'll create in our 1:1 session.

  • Are you stuck in the planning phase and lacking execution?

  • Do you struggle to price your services, always feeling like you're undercharging?

  • Is impostor syndrome keeping you from putting yourself out there and attracting dream clients?

I've been there. When I started, I was undercharging by 50% and working 60-hour weeks just to make ends meet. Now, I work with clients I love, charge what I'm worth, and have time for both work and play. Let's get you there too.

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What to expect from the session:


We'll kick things off by getting crystal clear on where you are and where you want to be.

  • What's your biggest business challenge right now?
  • Where do you see yourself in a year if everything goes right?

We'll uncover the root causes of your current struggles.

  • If you're not landing clients, is it a marketing issue or a confidence problem?
  • If you're overworked, are you taking on the wrong projects or just need better systems?

This is where the magic happens. We'll generate solutions tailored to your unique situation.

  • For marketing woes, we might craft a content strategy that showcases your expertise.
  • To solve pricing problems, we could develop a tiered pricing structure that feels good to you and your clients.

We'll turn those ideas into concrete steps. You'll walk away with a clear to-do list, not vague suggestions.

  • "Reach out to 3 past clients for testimonials by Friday" instead of "Get more social proof"
  • "Create a welcome packet template for new clients by next Wednesday" instead of "Improve onboarding"
Q&A and Wrap-up

We'll recap the key points and address any lingering questions.

  • What's the first thing you'll tackle when we hang up?
  • What potential roadblocks do you foresee in implementing our plan?

Two weeks after our call, we'll check in. Did you hit a snag with that new pricing structure? Are you second-guessing the content strategy we mapped out? I'm here to troubleshoot and keep you accountable.

Here's what SOME OF the amazing women I've worked with have to say about the Session...

Instagram comment by indiradcano thanking mayarasousa.co for having a significant influence on them. A comment from user alexa181095 expressing gratitude for organizational and interpersonal skills that helped her launch a website after a one-hour session. Includes emoji.

Your Investment in Future You

For the rest of 2024, this 90-minute strategy session, plus the 2-week check-in, is yours for 97 EUR. That's less than a successful business owner's hourly rate, but the impact is potentially thousands in new business and saved time.

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A woman sits at a table working on a laptop in a modern, open indoor space. A cup and saucer are on the table beside her.

A few tips to help you get the most out of our time together...

  • Come with specific questions. "How do I get more clients?" is okay. "How do I land 3 new web design clients in the next month?" is golden.

  • Bring the receipts. Have your current rates, client feedback, and any relevant data handy.

  • Be ready to challenge your assumptions. If you've always done things one way, are you open to trying something new?

  • Commit to action. The best plan in the world is useless if you don't implement it. Are you ready to put in the work?

P.S. Still weighing your options? Ask yourself: In 3 months, do you want to be in the same place you are now, or do you want to be steadily moving towards your dreams? The choice is yours, and it starts with a single click. ⬇️

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